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Regensburger Touristen Guide « : Befreiungshalle
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Regensburg: Hall of Liberation

Regensburg: Hall of Liberation
In Kelheim, the eye is drawn by the Befreiungshalle („Hall of Liberation“). Like the Walhalla in Donaustauf, the Befreiungshalle on Michelsberg was commissioned by King Ludwig I. Friedrich von Gärtner began constructing the hall in 1842. After his death, it was completed by the architect Leo von Klenze in 1863. It was intended as a memorial to the wars of liberation against Napoleon from 1813 to 1815. The building consists of three levels and is made of lime stone. There are 18 statues enthroned all around the outer facade which stand for the battles of the German tribes involved. The number 18 also represents the dates of the Battle of Leipzig (October 18, 1813) and the Battle of Waterloo (June 18, 1815). The size of the Befreiungshalle is impressive, at 45 metres in height and 29 metres in diameter. To reach the interior, you have to climb 125 steps. Forty more steps lead to the terrace, from which you have a good view of the town of Kelheim and the Danube. The opening in the dome lights up the spacious interior. The walls are arranged in 18 segmental arches. Two goddesses of victory made of white marble stand on pillars in front of each of the arches. They stand with their arms outstretched and are around three metres tall. A total of 34 goddess statues were designed by the sculptor Ludwig Schwanthaler, representing the member states of the German Confederation. There are bronze shields cast from captured guns behind them in the centre. Above the entrance to the rotunda, which is seven metres high, you can read the carved dedication: DEN TEUTSCHEN BEFREIUNGSKAEMPFERN, LUDWIG I - KOENIG VON BAYERN (To the German freedom fighters, Ludwig I - King of Bavaria). There has been a visitors‘ centre here since April 2004. The Befreiungshalle celebrated its 150 year anniversary in 2013.

Hall of Liberation
Befreiungshallestrasse 3
93309 Kehlheim
Regensburg Tourist Guide

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